MERCED County, California Resources
Adult Protective Services:
Adult and Aging Services assist elderly and disabled adults to achieve the greatest degree of independence by providing services which promote dignity and respect. Services include:
- Transportation
- Health insurance counseling
- Home-delivered meals
- Legal assistance
- Family caregiver support
It also protects and provides services to dependent adults and seniors who are victims of abuse, neglect, and exploitation.
Adult & Aging Services
Phone: (209) 385-3105
Adult Protective Services
Health & Human Services Agency
P.O. Box 112
Merced, Ca 95341
Phone: (209)385-3000
Fax: (209)725-3836
24 Hour Hotline: (209)385-3105
Area Agency on Aging
Phone: (209) 385-7550
Abuse, Neglect, Exploitation Reporting
Phone: (209)385-3105
24-hour Hotline: (209)722-9915
In-Home Supportive Services (ihss):
The IHSS Program will pay for services that you are unable to do for yourself, so that you can remain safely in your own home. To be eligible, an adult must also be over 65 years of age, or disabled, or blind, and meet income and resource limits for the program. Disabled children may also be eligible for IHSS. IHSS is considered an alternative to out-of-home care, such as nursing home or board and care facilities. The types of services that are available through IHSS include housecleaning, meal preparation, laundry, grocery shopping, personal care services (such as bowel and bladder care, bathing, grooming, and paramedical services), accompaniment to medical appointments, and protective supervision for the mentally impaired. Eligibility for this program is determined through assessment by a social worker.
IHSS County Referrals
Phone: (209)385-3105
Meals / Nutrition:
Cherish Senior Nutrition Center
561 W. 18th Street
Merced, Ca 95344-0085
Phone: (209)723-0730
Merced Area Agency on Aging
851 W. 23rd Street
Merced, Ca 95340
Phone: (209)385-7550
Central Kitchen
1410 Drakely
Atwater, Ca 95301
Phone: (209)723-0730
Veterans Memorial Hall
Fifth & Broadway
Atwater, Ca 95301
Phone: (209)358-0681
Los Banos Senior Center
800 7th Street
Los Banos, Ca 93635
Phone: (209)827-7026
Merced County Senior Citizens
800 7th Street
Los Banos, Ca 93635
Phone: (209)385-7550
Del Hale Hall
831 Center Street
Dos Palos, Ca 93620
Phone: (209)392-6803
Legal Resources:
Merced County Sheriff
700 W. 22nd Street
Merced, Ca 95340
Phone: (209)385-7444
Fax: (209)385-7659
Los Banos Sub Station
445 I Street
Los Banos, Ca 93535
Phone: (209)710-6000
C.F. Bludworth Sub Station
9481 Shank Road
Delhi, Ca 95315
Phone: (209)385-7660
Bet Tzedek - The House of Justice