Glenn County, California Resources
Local Resources:
The primary goal of Adult Services is to assist elders (persons 65 years or older) and dependent adults when they have been or are currently being victims of abuse or neglect Adult Services assists in situations of immediate danger to the elderly and dependent adults. Adult Services also may assist in keeping elders and dependent adults in their homes and communities if it has been determined to be a safe situation.
Social worker supervisors receive and review referrals for elder or dependent adult abuse and/or neglect. The social worker supervisor determines if there is a situation occurring and a need to protect the elder or dependent adult. If the person does meet the APS criteria the referral is assigned to a social worker. The assigned social worker then does a face to face investigation and based on the findings determines if abuse exists. If it does the client may not be interested in changing the circumstances. The client is an adult and has the right of self-determination, thus does have a right to choose how, where, and in what conditions he/she wants to live in. In some referrals a cross report is made to the appropriate law enforcement agency based on the residence/location of where the abuse/neglect is occurring. If it has been determined that an elderly person/dependent adult may need protection or other assistance, then the social worker takes steps to make sure that person is kept safe. The unit is on call 24-hours a day for referrals. The steps may be as simple as making a referral to the appropriate agency or if more difficult a plan can be developed between the parties involved to correct the situation, possibly taking several months to complete.
An Adult Services social worker looks for these things when they respond to calls:
- Physical and/or sexual abuse
- Abandonment, abduction, isolation, neglect
- Financial abuse
- Self neglect
Some of the things an Adult Services social worker does are to:
- Review and investigate calls/reports of abuse/neglect within 24 hours of the report
- Link elders and dependent adults to other agencies where they can get help with their emergency needs
- Locate a friend or a relative of the elder or dependent adult to provide support
- Provide help in completing application packets for conservatorship and assisting with referrals to the Public Guardian’s Office
Human Resources Agency
420 E. Laurel St.,
Willows, CA 95988-0611
Phone: (530)934-6514
Phone: (530)934-6510
24-Hour Abuse Hotline:
(530) 934-6520
604 E. Walker St.,
Orland, CA 95963
Phone: (530) 865-1165
Meals on Wheels:
Glenn County Senior Center
19 Walker St.,
Orland, CA 95963
Phone: (530)865-3115
Legal Resources:
Glenn County Sheriff's Department
543 W. Oak St.,
Willows, CA 95988
Phone: (530)934-6441
Fax: (530)934-6473
Bet Tzedek - The House of Justice