Michigan Resources
In Michigan, during 2001, Adult Protective Services completed more than 9,390 investigations of adult mistreatment. Adults aged 60 and over accounted for more than two-thirds of victims (69% or an estimated 6,479).
In 2001, 70 percent of all victims suffered neglect, 15 percent were abused, and 15 percent were exploited.
State Government Agencies
- Michigan Adult Protective Services
- Michigan Long Term Care Ombudsman
- Michigan Office of Attorney General
- Michigan Office of Services to the Aging
- Mich. Comp. Laws Ann. Soc. Welf. Act 280, §§ 400-11a-11f Adult Protective Services
- Mich. Pub. Health Code § 38-21771 Abusing, Mistreating, or Neglecting Patient
- Mich. Exec. Ord. No.2005-11 Task Force on Elder Abuse
Sources for Statistics
Help Lines and Hotlines- Elder Abuse: Domestic/Community
1-800-99-NOABUSE or 1-800-996-6228 - Local Elder Abuse Reporting Numbers
- Nursing Home Abuse/Long Term Care
Michigan Bureau of Health Systems: 1-800-882-6006
Long Term Care Ombudsman: 1-866-485-9393
- Preventing Resident Abuse and Neglect in Michigan Health Care Facilities
- Michigan Adult Abuse and Neglect Prevention Grant-Funded Training's
- Michigan Senior Resource Directory