Massachusetts Resources
There are so many options for seniors in Massachusetts! Through the statewide elder network, the Executive Office of Elder Affairs (“Elder Affairs”) provides services via Aging Services Access Points (ASAP), Councils on Aging (COA) and senior centers in communities across the Commonwealth. Reaching out to elders in need of services that include home care and caregiver support, nutrition programs, protective services, health and wellness services, housing options, SHINE counseling (Serving the Health Information Needs of Elders), or counseling services for elders with limited English proficiency.
State Government Agencies
- Massachusetts Adult Protective Services
- Massachusetts Assisted Living Ombudsman
- Massachusetts Community Care Ombudsman
- Massachusetts Executive Office of Elder Affairs
- Massachusetts Long Term Care Ombudsman
- Massachusetts Office of Attorney General
- Elder Abuse Hotline: 1-800-922-2275
- Local Elder Abuse Reporting Numbers: 1-800-AgeInfo
Other Resources
- Massachusetts Area Agencies on Aging and Aging Services Access Points
- Massachusetts Long Term Care Ombudsman Phone Directory
- Massachusetts Violence Prevention and Intervention Services